May 09 2006

Pro-choice Native Woman Runs for South Dakota Senate

Charon AsetoyerGUEST: Charon Asetoyer, the Executive Director of the Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center on the Yankton Nakota Reservation in South Dakota

In March of this year, the state of South Dakota was cast into the national spotlight when Governor Michael Rounds signed into law, the passage of a nearly total-ban on abortion. In response, Oglala Sioux Tribal President Cecelia Fire Thunder proposed an abortion clinic on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. According to Fire Thunder, the reservation’s sovereign status would allow physicians to perform abortions at a clinic there, despite state law. Now, the anti-abortion law in South Dakota has provoked many pro-choice women into running for the state legislature, including ten native American women. Charon Asetoyer, Comanche, is one of those women. She is running for District 21 in the South Dakota State Senate.

Contributions less than $250 can be made to Charon Asetoyer’s campaign for State Senate:

Campaign for Change/Asetoyer
P.O. Box 472
Lake Andes, SD 57356

For more information about Charon Asetoyer, click here.

One response so far

One Response to “Pro-choice Native Woman Runs for South Dakota Senate”

  1. Jenniferon 10 May 2006 at 8:15 pm

    What a bunch of crap! I still don’t understand how anyone can be “pro-choice”. The choice is, stay abstinent and you dont’ have to worry about it! As horrible as it is, rape or incest resulting in pregnancy it still isn’t that childs fault, and it was meant to be no matter what the circmstances of it being there!

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