Apr 02 2007
Prominent Latino Organizations Silent on Alberto Gonzales
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GUEST: Roberto Lovato, a frequent contributor to The Nation, and New York-based writer with New America Media, former president of the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission.
US Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez has been in the center of a firestorm of controversy for his role in the firing of 8 US prosecutors. Members of Congress have demanded to know whether the prosecutors were fired as part of a plan to fill the jobs with political cronies, or as payback for not pursuing cases that were politically important to Republicans. Meanwhile New American Media writer, Roberto Lovato, notes that prominent Latino organizations have been silent on Alberto Gonzales. Many of these were groups that enthusiastically supported Gonzalez for his current post during his confirmation hearings.
Read Roberto’s article at http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/
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