Oct 01 2008
The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder – Part 2
The total number of US soldiers killed in Iraq has exceeded 4000 since the start of the war in 2003. While the rate of killings is waning, Iraqi soldiers are picking up the death rate instead. Estimates on the numbers of Iraqi civilians killed varies depending on which study you believe, but most agree that at least a hundred thousand have died in the war, and that figure could be as high as a million. Who is most responsible for these mind-numbing statistics? Best-selling author and prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi says it’s our commander-in-chief George W. Bush. In a book he had trouble publishing and that has been censored almost entirely in the mainstream press, but that reached the New York Times Bestseller list, Bugliosi lays out the evidence he believes will indict Bush in any federal or state criminal court. Bugliosi successfully prosecuted 105 out of 106 felony jury trials, including 21 murder convictions without a single loss. He is best known for prosecuting the Charles Manson case and then writing the biggest selling true crime book in US history about it, Helter Skelter. Today we play you part 2 of my interview this week with Vincent Bugliosi.
GUEST: Vincent Bugliosi, author of “The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder”
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One Response to “The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder – Part 2”
If Obama continues a policy–and the hallmark of American governance is continuity (so far)–will he face the charge?
I think there is more practical possibility of a money-making book than any political action that changes the MidAsian Invasion policies.