Nov 04 2015
Everything You Know About the Hawaii Sovereignty Vote is Wrong

GUEST: Anne Keala Kelly, is an award winning, Native Hawaiian filmmaker and journalist whose work has appeared in The Nation and Indian Country Today, and her broadcast journalism has aired on the Pacifica Network, Al Jazeera, The News Hour With Jim Lehrer. She is currently working on a film about the struggle to protect Mauna Kea called Why The Mountain.
Voting has begun in a unique election in the state of Hawaii to choose 40 representatives of native Hawaiians who may have the authority to decide the relationship between the Hawaiian kingdom and the US federal government. A month-long process that began on November 1st will allow those who have been registered as indigenous to Hawaii to cast ballots electronically and by mail*. Voting ends on November 30 and the 40 winning candidates are expected to have their first meeting in February.
But already some prominent candidates are demanding to be removed from the ballot, saying the process is tainted by undue influence from the US government.
The Hawaiian sovereignty movement has been active for years, with the most recent battle being conducted over the installation of a large new telescope on Hawaii’s Big Island.
* ERRATUM: Anne Keala Kelly informed us that the voting would actually be both electronic and by mail.
3 Responses to “Everything You Know About the Hawaii Sovereignty Vote is Wrong”
I received a paper ballot from Na`i Aupuni yesterday, return address Mineoloa, NY. I am allowed to vote for 7 delegates as an “Out-of-state Hawaiian.”
The candidates’ names are listed in two columns. What is disturbing is that 16 names are listed twice. Since the list is not in alphabetical order, it is not immediately noticeable. I am beginning to suspect this is just another way to disenfranchise kanaka maoli, once again.
I appreciate your broadcasting Anne Keala Kelly’s point of view. I will carefully consider my vote and get educated.
Thanks Sonali for this broadcast.
As a non Hawaiian who is deeply interested in Native issues and has been aware for many years of the illegal occupation of the Kingdom of Hawaii, I thank you for having Ann Keala Kelly on your airwaves. We
hear almost nothing about Hawaii and Hawaiian issues, although so many in California have strong ties and family amongst Hawaiians. This issue is deeply serious and needs to be explained so that Hawaiian people won’t be hoodwinked yet again into thinking that the U.S. has their best interests at heart.
Mahalo, Sonali
This program continues to do good work in covering Indigenous issues, from Australian Aborigines (last May 1st), to the fight against Sainthood for Serra, to multiple issues in Hawaii.
What a tragedy this show is no longer televised on Free Speech TV (not to mention on KPFK). The truth about this issue would get so much more exposure.