Mar 23 2010

Jesse Jackson at the Left Forum

left forum

This past weekend, the largest ever Left Forum took place in downtown New York city, on the campus of Pace University. The annual gathering attracted thousands of progressive activists and thinkers who attended more than a hundred panels on issues like healthcare, the economy, responses to the right, labor, racism, and taking on the Obama presidency. Uprising host Sonali Kolhatkar attended the gathering, whose theme of this year was “The Center Cannot Hold: Rekindling the Radical Imagination.” On Friday night, the Reverend Jesse Jackson spoke at the conference’s opening plenary. He was introduced by Bill Fletcher, Executive Editor of the Black Commentator, and later interviewed by economist Max Fraad Wolff. Here is Bill Fletcher.

GUEST: Reverend Jesse Jackson, Civil Rights Activist, Baptist Minister

One response so far

One Response to “Jesse Jackson at the Left Forum”

  1. Jackon 03 Apr 2010 at 12:00 pm

    What really woke me up about Obama, was his betrayal of the anti-war majority that elected him. Sending fifty thousand agressive combat troops to an impoverished nation like Afghanistan, and then being awarded a phoney Nobel Peace Prize about the same time, really must show the hypocracy of western Imperialist democracy, where by they say one thing to get elected, but on election they do the opposite.

    That is a fundamental fault of U.S. Imperiialist democracy which is rule by the state monopoly captialists, over the workers who are the true majority and source of the value added each and every year.

    However, exposure as to who runs America and its president, is none other than the OIl monopolies, which are the connection to the fossil fuels, war, and the destruction of the atmosphere by the burning out of oxygen beyond the safety limit (36% to CO2) now by the first industrial revolution. We cannot live on CO2.

    Who killed the electric vehicles which would end pollution? None other then the oil monopolies, and now Obama shows his connections by betaying the anti-war movement, and reneging on his other campaign promise against Off-shore drilling.

    Michelle must be getting quite unbalanced, as she has the great good sense to put in an organic garden, knowing full well that pollution of food, and the environment are inter-linked to ecological disaster globally and locally.

    Just goes to prove the matriarchy ought to be restoreed (50-50 electing) so the most conscious creators of our specie’s life could access half the law making and wealth of the country being half the people (real democracy).

    Empires destroyed the natural order ecological organic balance, and now the empire is proving why they will always be overthrown in the end. It is because they do evil and do not carry through to the path of liberation for the plants, animals, and peoples.

    They produce a for profit sicko world and maximize their private profits on that unjust cause. Surely this is proof positive that the American Empire is in terminal decay, and must be replaced as the U.S. Constitution says, because it no longer serves the needs of the American People.

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