May 12 2009

Activists Urge Passage of the Youth PROMISE Act

bobby scottActivists are urging the passage of a new bill in Congress that would redefine the prevention of youth crime and violence in the nation. The Youth PROMISE Act, introduced by Virginia Representative Bobby Scott would, among other things, implement recommendations from decades of research through the formation of local councils, increased resources for youth programs, and the hiring and training of Youth Oriented Policing. The Youth PROMISE Act competes with another youth crime bill introduced by California representative Adam Schiff that is far more punitive and focused on incarceration rather than prevention of youth crime. The US imprisons more people than any country in the world, and spends $65 billion a year in maintaining that system. Supporters of the Youth PROMISE Act point out that the bill would invest less than $3 billion annually for potentially lowering the incarceration rates dramatically. Youth groups and advocates around the country have stated their support for the PROMISE act. Human Rights Watch, the LA City Council, and NBA star Byron Davis are also in favor of it. A local group, the Youth Justice Coalition is calling on the public to urge their representatives to support the bill and pass it through both Houses of Congress.

GUEST: Kim McGill, organizer with the Youth Justice Coalition. For more information, call 323-235-4243 and email

One response so far

One Response to “Activists Urge Passage of the Youth PROMISE Act”

  1. Ted N.on 17 May 2009 at 7:16 am

    This visionary, promising legislation needs a groundswell of public support to gain visibility in a Congress focused on the economy. Go to – – to send a letter to you Representative letting them know your position on this.

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