Apr 06 2006
God Sleeps in Rwanda
GUEST: Kimberlee Acquaro, filmmaker
The 1994 Rwandan genocide has gone down as a shameful chapter in human history. Now, 12 years later, Rwandans are still struggling to survive. In particular, women are bearing the greatest burden. The genocide left behind a population of mostly women – in fact 70% of Rwanda’s population is female. We are joined in studio by a film maker who documented the on-going struggles of Rwandan women through a short documentary called “God Sleeps in Rwanda,” which highlights 5 women and their stories. The film has won many awards and will be screened in Topanga canyon this Friday.
God Sleeps in Rwanda is a documentary film by Kimberlee Acquaro and Stacy Sherman. It’s narrated by actor Rosario Dawson. The film will be shown as part of HBO’s Cinemax Reel Life Series beginning in August.
The film is available for purchase here.
FRIDAY April 7th
God Sleeps in Rwanda
Meet Director Kimberlee Acquaro.
7:45pm at YOGA DESA 120 Topanga Canyon Blvd, 90290
In the Pinetree Center (across from the Post Office)
Located 4 miles north of Pacific Coast Hwy, on the right.
Snack Potluck at 7:45, film starts at 8 PM.
Requested Donation $10.00
RSVP: 310-455-9389 or email: tonia4@earthlink.net
For more information, visit www.topangapeacealliance.org
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