Apr 06 2006

KPFK’s Jerry Quickley and Students Present “Access”

Feature Stories | Published 6 Apr 2006, 8:40 am | Comments Off on KPFK’s Jerry Quickley and Students Present “Access” -


Center Theater Group and John Marshall High School are presenting an original play called “Access,” on April 6th and 7th at the John Marshall High School auditorium. It’s written by KPFK’s own Jerry Quickley and is based on the opinions of teenagers who examine military recruitment through the eyes of fellow students. In September and November 2005, approximately 35 Marshall students explored the topics of military recruiting on high school campuses. They interviewed students and community members on the subject, met with military recruiters and peace activists, and read the blogs of participants in the Iraq war. The students developed performance and collaborative skills. Beneath the Surface host, Jerry Quickley, went away with their notes and research and came back this Spring with a play, “Access.”

The play will be performed for two nights only – Thurs April 6th, Fri April 7th
at Marshall High School Auditorium, 3939 Tracy Street, Los Angeles. For more information, call 310-709-0551. It is free and open to the public.

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