Apr 07 2006
Weekly Digest – 04/07/06
Our weekly edition is a nationally syndicated one-hour digest of the best of our daily coverage.
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This week on Uprising —
- What does the Duke University rape story, and the Congresswoman McKinney scandal have in common? We’ll speak with noted columnist Jill Nelson
- Protests in France continue – we’ll find out what it means for the future of French politics
- San Diego’s Special election is the first Congressional race of the year – we’ll speak with leading Democratic candidate Francine Busby, a former Republican!
- Plus the Black Commentator and Empire Notes
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What’s Wrong with this Picture: The Duke University Rape and the targeting of Congresswoman McKinney
Jill Nelson, author of several books including “Straight No Chaser: How I Became a Grownup Black Woman,” columnist, and lecturer, contributor to USA Today, and niaonline.com.
A 27-year-old black woman accused three white members of Duke’s lacrosse team of raping her when she was hired to strip at an off-campus party. The incident has caused a national uproar. On Wednesday, 19 year old sophomore Ryan McFadyen, was suspended for sending an email. The email, which was apparently sent hours after the alleged rape, said “I plan on killing the bitches as soon as the(y) walk in and proceding to cut their skin off.” The email adds in vulgar terms that he would find the act sexually satisfying. The email has resulted in the team’s coach resigning and the season being canceled. Protesters are angry over the school’s handling of the allegations and the team members’ refusal to cooperate with police. Investigators have said the athletes are sticking together and keeping silent. The woman in question attends North Carolina Central State University, a historically black university near Duke. Tracy Egharevba, a member of the campus NAACP, says that the investigation has brought attention to racial issues that always were a part of Duke’s culture.
Black Commentator on its Fourth Anniversary!
Glen Ford, co-publisher of The Black Commentator
The Black Commentator is an online political magazine bringing you commentary, analysis and investigation from a black perspective. Today’s commentary is about their fourth anniversary!
The Black Commentator is online at www.blackcommentator.com.
French Protests Attract Millions
GUEST: Patrick Silberstein, activist, and founder of the radical publishing house Syllepse
More than 2.5 million people continued their demonstrations across France this Tuesday to demand the withdrawal of a youth job contract imposed by the government. The proposed law gives employers the right to summarily lay off people under the age of 26 any time during a two-year period upon hire. President Jacques Chirac and the ruling conservatives offered concessions in the past week but the size of the protests have stayed constant, and in some cases, increased. The French President signed the bill anyway last Sunday, saying it will help France keep pace with the global economy. A nationwide strike shut down the Eiffel Tower while air and rail traffic were stifled for the second time in a week.
Empire Notes on the Search for Good News on the War
GUEST: Rahul Mahajan, author of Full Spectrum Dominance and The New Crusade
Empire Notes are weekly commentaries filed by Rahul Mahajan, author of Full Spectrum Dominance and The New Crusade. Today’s commentary is on the search for good news on the War.
Empire Notes is online at www.empirenotes.org.
First Congressional Race of the Year!
GUEST: Francine Busby, Democratic candidate for Congressional election
San Diego Congressional representative, the Republican Randy “Duke†Cunningham, resigned last December after pleading guilty to charges of accepting bribes from defense contractors. On April 11th, 18 candidates will run in a special election to replace him. The election is being hailed as a test case for the Congressional elections in November, which could change the political landscape in the US if enough Democrats win. Francine Busby is the leading Democratic candidate in San Diego’s special election – she is making misconduct and ethics reform the main focus of the race. She was invited to give the Democratic rebuttal to President Bush’s weekly radio address, and used it to denounce the president’s port deal with the United Arab Emirates as a threat to U.S. security. Busby, who refers to herself as a “moderate,” has received the backing of the liberal internet organization, Moveon.org.
For more information, visit www.busbyforcongress.com.
Sonali’s Subversive Thought for the Day:
“The Roman government gave them bread and circuses. Today we give them bread and elections.” – Will Durant
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