Oct 26 2006
Intimidating Letters Sent to OC Latinos
GUEST: Gustavo Arellano, staff writer for the Orange County Weekly, writes the popular column “Ask a Mexican”
Orange County Congressional Candidate Tan Nguyen has stated that he will not drop out of his campaign even if he is charged with a crime relating to an intimidating letter sent to registered Democrats with Spanish surnames. Nguyen, a Republican and Vietnamese immigrant, is running against Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez in the 47th district. The source of controversy over his campaign is a targeted letter mailed out to 14,000 voters in his district that warned of jail time or deportation for any undocumented immigrant who casts a vote in the upcoming election. The letter, written in Spanish, used the word “emigrado,” a word that has no legal connotation and which simply refers to someone who has emigrated from another country. Last Saturday, state agents raided Nguyen’s Garden Grove campaign headquarters as well as his home in Santa Ana. Nguyen has refused to name the office manager or third party responsible for mailing the letters out. Congresswoman Sanchez is declining to comment on the controversy until the investigation comes to a conclusion as to whether or not the letter was illegal and constituted a violation of voting rights. Meanwhile, the California Secretary of State mailed letters out to the same 14,000 voters telling registered voters to ignore the mailer and characterized it as “unauthorized and inaccurate.â€
Read Gustavo Arellano’s column here.
9 Responses to “Intimidating Letters Sent to OC Latinos”
Loretta Sanchez should never comment because she is guilty of using illegal alien latinos to get into office.
Is “arthur valdez” another Spanish surname alias a la “sergio ramirez?”
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