Nov 02 2006

What Happened in Ohio?

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What Happened in Ohio?GUESTS: Robert Fitrakis, and Steve Rosenfeld, co-authors of “What Happened in Ohio?”

Next Tuesday’s midterm elections could potentially shift the balance of legislative power toward the Democratic Party. But Karl Rove, predicting a Republican win in both chambers of Congress, doesn’t seem worried. In the state of Ohio a GOP court victory could be detrimental to the Democrats attempt to regain a majority in both the House and the Senate. Ohio is home to a close and critical Senate race between Republican Mike DeWine and Democrat Sherrod Brown as well as numerous key congressional races. The court decision in question is a stay recently granted by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on a decision to suspend confusing driver license number requirements on absentee ballots. The requirement is just one of many included in House Bill 3, passed by the Republican controlled state legislature of Ohio immediately following the concession of Presidential hopeful John Kerry in 2004. Final decisions and appeals on the requirements in HB3 may not come until Election Day, creating an atmosphere of confusion and disenfranchisement.

“What Happened in Ohio,” a documentary record of theft and fraud in the 2004 election, is a new book by Robert J. Fitrakis, Steven Rosenfeld, and Harvey Wasserman. Robert Fitrakis is a Professor of Political Science at Columbus State Community College and Executive Director of Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism. Steve Rosenfeld is the Executive Producer of Radio Nation with Laura Flanders.

Click here for more information about the book, “What Happened in Ohio?”

Click here to read Bob Fitrakis’ article about the 2006 elections in Ohio.

One response so far

One Response to “What Happened in Ohio?”

  1. M. M. Donovanon 04 Nov 2006 at 6:02 pm

    Ohio is a ravaged, depressed place-lowest in job growth, one of the highest in taxes and second-highest in home repossessions, thanks to the current political regime. If the people in that state don’t wake up and get out to vote the Republican crooks out of office, they deserve whatever they get. It won’t be pretty.

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