Nov 03 2006
Weekly Digest – 11/03/06
Our weekly edition is a nationally syndicated one-hour digest of the best of our daily coverage.
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This week on Uprising:
* Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter on his new book, Target Iran
* What Happened in Ohio in 2004 and How Does it Relate to the 2006 elections?
* Women Recall Accusations of Sexual Battery Against California Governor Schwarzenegger
* Mumia Abu Jamal on the Politics of Fear
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Scott Ritter – Target Iran
GUEST: Scott Ritter, former UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq, author of many books including “Iraq Confidential,” and his latest, “Target Iran”
Iran began 10 days of war games today by firing a long-range weapon said to be capable of carrying nuclear warheads and striking Israel and US forces in the Middle East. Iranian Revolutionary Guards tested a Shahab-3 missile even while Western nations are discussing the imposition of sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program. The war games were apparently in response to US-led maneuvers earlier this week when US and European warships practiced surveillance of suspected shipments of weapons parts to Iran. The Bush administration has made many motions toward economic sanctions and military actions in Iran. We turn next to Scott Ritter, former UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq, author of many books including “Iraq Confidential,” and his latest, “Target Iran: The Truth About the White House’s Plan for Regime Change.” In this book Scott Ritter delves deep into the political and military context of the war plans against Iran.
Click here for more information about Target Iran.
What Happened in Ohio?
GUESTS: Robert Fitrakis, and Steve Rosenfeld, co-authors of “What Happened in Ohio?”
Next Tuesday’s midterm elections could potentially shift the balance of legislative power toward the Democratic Party. But Karl Rove, predicting a Republican win in both chambers of Congress, doesn’t seem worried. In the state of Ohio a GOP court victory could be detrimental to the Democrats attempt to regain a majority in both the House and the Senate. Ohio is home to a close and critical Senate race between Republican Mike DeWine and Democrat Sherrod Brown as well as numerous key congressional races. The court decision in question is a stay recently granted by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on a decision to suspend confusing driver license number requirements on absentee ballots. The requirement is just one of many included in House Bill 3, passed by the Republican controlled state legislature of Ohio immediately following the concession of Presidential hopeful John Kerry in 2004. Final decisions and appeals on the requirements in HB3 may not come until Election Day, creating an atmosphere of confusion and disenfranchisement.
“What Happened in Ohio,†a documentary record of theft and fraud in the 2004 election, is a new book by Robert J. Fitrakis, Steven Rosenfeld, and Harvey Wasserman. Robert Fitrakis is a Professor of Political Science at Columbus State Community College and Executive Director of Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism. Steve Rosenfeld is the Executive Producer of Radio Nation with Laura Flanders.
Click here for more information about the book, “What Happened in Ohio?”
Click here to read Bob Fitrakis’ article about the 2006 elections in Ohio.
The Politics of Fear – A Commentary
GUEST: Mumia Abu Jamal, political prisoner and award winning journalist
Mumia Abu Jamal is an award winning journalist and political prisoner. Today’s commentary is on about the politics of fear.
Listen to Mumia’s audio commentaries at
Women Recall Accusations of Sexual Battery Against Schwarzenegger
GUESTS: Karen Pomer, of the Rainbow Sisters Project and Jane Piper of Survivors & Artists for Abolishing Violence
During Arnold Schwarzenegger’s campaign for governor in the 2003 recall election, a number of women came forward to reveal their sexual harassment and assault by Arnold. The Los Angeles Times printed extensive reports just prior to that election. Now, just three years later, there almost no mention of Arnold’s sexist escapades. But some women are refusing to remain silent. More than a hundred women from across California have signed a letter to remind voters of the seriousness of the accusations of 16 women against Schwarzenegger that surfaced during the 2003 recall campaign, and those that have surfaced since then involving minors. Referring to the recent Republican sex scandal of Mark Foley, the letter asks, “If Foley is gone, and Hastert may go, why give Arnold Schwarzenegger a pass and re-elect him as Governor?” The letter’s signees include acclaimed singer Michelle Shocked, as well as my guests, Karen Pomer, of the Rainbow Sisters Project and Jane Piper of Survivors & Artists for Abolishing Violence.
“I am very glad Foley resigned right away, and I said also if anyone else knew about it they should resign. It’s inexcusable.” — Schwarzenegger 10/6/06
Sonali’s Subversive Thought for the Day
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” — Audre Lorde
One Response to “Weekly Digest – 11/03/06”
I loved this week’s show–but I was wondering, what was the transitional music you used in between the Scott Ritter piece and the piece on the election.
Sorry to post such a lame comment, but the only other thing I have to say is: great show! Seriously, I wish it was daily. Thanks!