Nov 03 2006
Will Prop 89 Pass?
| the entire program
GUEST: Jamie Court, Executive Director of the Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights
Despite Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s apparent recovery from last year’s special election debacle, the nurses union he targeted has taken a pro-active stand by authoring what they call, an anti-corruption measure. Proposition 89, on this year’s ballot, authored by the California Nurses Association, promises public financing to candidates running for state office and also restricts ballot-measure spending by corporations. If 89 were to pass, Schwarzenegger and other mainstream politicians would be less beholden to corporate interests, say the nurses. Each election year California’s ballot features a dizzying array of measures and this year is no different. Joining us for a pre-election update is Jamie Court, Executive Director of the Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights.
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