Nov 16 2006
Elections & Accountability
GUEST: Jeremy Brecher, historian, author, and co-founder of
With the Democrats regaining control of Congress after the November 7th midterm elections, many progressive voters and activists are calling on the party to hold the Bush Administration accountable. The elections were largely seen as a rebuke of the White House’s foreign policy on Iraq with exit polls showing six out of ten voters disapproving of the war. The Largest U.S. Peace Coalition, United for Peace and Justice, immediately called on the new Congress honor the sentiments that swept the Democrats into power by taking immediate action to bring the troops home from Iraq. Others are calling on incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to pursue Impeachment proceedings against President Bush. The Green Party is calling on the Democrats to adopt an agenda that includes investigations into the Bush Administrations. Investigations such as the ones called for by the Green Party might be obstructed by Democratic leadership. If that is the case, pressure from progressive activists on the Democratic Party will be necessary to ensure the establishment of accountability.
For more information, visit
Read Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith’s article, “10 Reasons for Congress Must Investigate Bush Administration’s Crimes” Here
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