Dec 04 2006

Water Privatization in the US

Feature Stories | Published 4 Dec 2006, 9:27 am | Comments Off on Water Privatization in the US -


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waterGUEST: Victoria Katlan, an organizer with Food and Water Watch

A new report by Food and Water Watch, entitled “The Future of American Water,” profiles the RWE subsidiary American Water. RWE is a giant German owned corporation that purchased the company, American Water in 2003. It’s CEO Harry Roels made a commitment that RWE would be a long-term partner with the communities his corporation serves. Less than three years later, RWE is selling American Water, leaving communities in 27 U.S. states and 3 Canadian provinces in the dark about the future of their water utilities. This comes after the company made nearly $150 million through often drastic rate increases. So far, RWE and American Water executives have refused to negotiate with elected officials and citizens.

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