Dec 14 2006

The China Syndrome

Feature Stories | Published 14 Dec 2006, 9:35 am | Comments Off on The China Syndrome -


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GUEST: Tom Barry, policy director of the International Relations Center, and a contributor to Right Web

Former President George H. W. Bush recently said that China is playing a constructive role in the world, and that the United States and China should join hands to form a sound global community. He was addressing a forum during his recent visit to Beijing. Bush Sr. also added that China needs to do more to address its trade deficit with the United States or risk a backlash from protectionist elements in the newly Democrat-controlled legislature. The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives is will be led by Nancy Pelosi, a frequent China critic who regularly commemorates the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, and has vigorously opposed plans to normalize trade relations with China. What has China represented to the Bush administration and how will US-China relations be impacted by the Democratic majority?

Read Tom Barry’s article here:

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