Dec 15 2006
Intl’ Migrants Day Celebrations
| the entire program
GUESTS: Sumaiya Islam, South Asian Network, Liz Sunwoo with MIWON
This Monday is International Migrants Day. On December 4th 2000, the UN General Assembly proclaimed December 18th International Migrants Day. It was on that same day in 1990 that the Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. A number of local immigrants rights organizations are coming together to commemorate this day and celebrate their communities, including the South Asian Network, the Multi Ethnic immigrant Workers Alliance, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of LA, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, the Institute of Popular Education of Southern CA, the Garment Workers Center, the Pilipino Workers Center, the African Diaspora foundation, and the Congolese Community of Southern California. On Sunday December 17th, as part of this celebration, will be the unveiling of the first Bangladeshi public art project in the U.S. to mark the presence of the Bangladeshi community in Koreatown. There will be a festival with arts and crafts and cultural performances and more.
The event will be on:
Sunday, December 17, 2006
1 to 5 p.m.
Shatto Recreation Center
3191 W. 4th St
Los Angeles, CA 90020
For more information, visit
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