Dec 15 2006
Iran Hosts Conference Questioning Holocaust
GUEST: Dr. Trita Parsi, author of the forthcoming book “Treacherous Triangle – The Secret Dealings of Iran, Israel and the United States.”
This week the Iranian capital, Tehran, hosted a two day conference on the Holocaust, called “International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust.” Conference participants included former Louisiana Ku Klux Klan leader, David Duke, and Robert Faurisson of France, a man who has devoted his life trying to prove that the Nazi gas chambers were a myth. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the conference, saying, “Just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out.” He added, “If the Holocaust’s truth is ruled out, root causes of problems and crimes in the Middle East will be terminated.” According to the San Francisco Chronicle, a small circle around the president have been building ties with neo-Nazi groups in Europe. Meanwhile, former Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is launching an effort to get Ahmadinejad tried on a charge of genocide at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Also, today Iranians began voting in two elections seen as the first test of Ahmadinejad’s popularity since he took office in 2005.
Dr. Trita Parsi has traveled both to Iran and Israel and interviewed top officials in these countries on the state of Israeli-Iranian relations. He has conducted more than 130 interviews with senior Israeli, Iranian and American officials in all three countries. He is the co-founder and current President of the National Iranian American Council.
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