Dec 27 2006
Dream: Re-imagining Progressive Politics
GUEST: Stephen Duncombe teaches history and politics of media and culture at the Gallatin School of New York University and author of “Dream: Re-imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy”
A new book by Stephen Duncombe claims to be a 21st Century Manifesto for the left. “Dream: Re-imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy” makes the case for a progressive political strategy that embraces a new set of tools. What practical political lessons can we learn from corporate theme parks, ad campaigns, video games like Grand Theft Auto, celebrity culture, and Las Vegas? According to my guest, Stephen Duncombe, liberals continue to depend upon sober reason to guide them and he proposes that the afore-mentioned examples of popular fantasy can help us define and make possible a new political future. According to Michael Hardt, co-author of Empire and Multitude, “Imagination is central to all successful political projects and yet the mainstream Left has allowed its imaginative faculty to atrophy in recent years. Duncombe shows how the method of the some of today’s most creative social movements can teach the Left how to dream again and, by exercising its imagination, to create a winning progressive politics.”
For more information, visit
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