Jan 30 2007
Women in Black Boycotts Israeli Philharmonic
GUEST: Karin Pally, Women in Black
The Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra has been performing at the Disney Hall in Downtown LA. But it’s not just attracting music lovers. The Los Angeles affiliate of the International Women in Black organization has been protesting the LA Philharmonic, calling on it to take a stand against occupation. Women in Black had earlier petitioned the L.A. Philharmonic to cancel the concert. The LA Philharmonic Association President, Deborah Borda responded by writing back: “We will never support the silencing of artists from any culture as a means of political action. Whenever this unfortunate course of action has been pursued by governments and political entities, it is always to the detriment of society at large, and certainly the artists.” But Women in Black won’t back down. They claim the protests are part of a cultural boycott of the State of Israel.
Two protests are planned to coincide with the Israeli Philharmonic’s scheduled concerts on February 5th and 6th. The protests will take place at 6:30 pm on the corner of 1st and Grand in downtown LA. Women in Black request attendees to wear all black and bring a candle.
For more information, visit www.wib-la.org, or call 323-993-3322.
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