Jan 31 2007
The Stuggle for a Living Wage Ordinance
GUEST: James Elmendorf, Senior Policy Analyst, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, LAANE
Los Angeles City Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will hold a press conference later on this morning to make a major announcement on a living wage ordinance for LAX area hotel workers. The Los Angeles City Council was to decide by today whether or not to place a measure that would overturn a living wage ordinance for LAX area hotel workers on a special election ballot in May. The ordinance in question requires that hotels near the Los Angeles International Airport pay workers a minimum of $9.39 an hour or $10.64 with health benefits. Hotel owners have sought to overturn the living wage ordinance, most recently through a coalition named, “Save LA Jobs,” through gathering signatures for a ballot referendum. Meanwhile, according to a new poll, likely Los Angeles voters would overwhelmingly support the living wage law if it were to be placed on the ballot. Conducted by Working Californians, a strategic research and advocacy group, the poll shows that 74% of likely LA voters, across a broad spectrum, would pass the law as opposed to 23% who would not. If a special election were to be held in May of this year, the cost to Los Angeles taxpayers would be at least three million dollars.
For more information, visit www.laane.org and www.newcenturycoalition.com
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