Feb 23 2007
Weekly Digest – 02/23/07
Our weekly edition is a nationally syndicated one-hour digest of the best of our daily coverage.
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This week on Uprising:
Independent war reporter, Dahr Jamail exposes the brutality of the war in Iraq. Plus, the Black Agenda Report on Iraq’s oil.
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Dahr Jamail on the Brutality of the Iraq Occupation
GUEST: Dahr Jamail, independent war reporter
We spend the hour today hearing from one of the most courageous young reporters in the US. In 2003, a fourth generation Lebanese American man named Dahr Jamail was working as a mountain guide in Alaska, when the US invaded Iraq. As he read foreign and independent news and compared it with corporate news coverage, he realized he had to do something to help tell the truth of what was happening in Iraq. He bought a laptop computer, a digital camera, and a plane ticket and went to Iraq for eight months between November 2003 and February 2005. From there, Dahr Jamail reported how US soldiers shot people in prayer at a Baghdad mosque, relayed accounts of civilians in Fallujah with extraordinary burns (later revealed to be caused by white phosphorus) and of men and women who bore white flags being shot in the Euphrates River as they tried to swim to safety. After starting with a homemade press pass and no outlet but e-mail, Jamail created a web site, dahrjamailiraq.com, and began writing for the Inter Press Service, The Asia Times, and The Nation, among others. He also reports for Democracy Now! and the BBC. At the culminating session of the World Tribunal on Iraq in June 2005, he documented U.S. violations of Fourth Geneva Convention provisions for health care in occupied countries.
Dahr Jamail spoke a week ago in Los Angeles at an event sponsored by Neighbors for Peace and Justice. We’ll hear his speech this hour, brought to us by Ralph Cole and Mansoor Sabbagh. I was invited to introduce Dahr before he spoke.
Black Agenda Report on Iraq’s Oil
GUEST: Glen Ford is a writer and radio commentator and the Executive Editor of The Black Agenda Report
This week’s commentary is about Iraq’s oil. Visit www.blackagendareport.com for more information.
Sonali’s Subversive Thought for the Day
“It’s a journalist’s job to be a witness to history. We’re not there to worry about ourselves. We’re there to try and get as near as we can, in an imperfect world, to the truth and get the truth out.” — Robert Fisk
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