Mar 16 2007
GMO Corn Toxic to Rats
GUEST: Doreen Stabinsky, Genetic Engineering Campaigner with Greenpeace
A recent study commissioned by the environmental group Greenpeace revealed that a certain strand of genetically modified corn lead to signs of toxicity within the liver and kidneys of rats. Published in the Archives of Environmental Contamination and Technology journal, the report focused on Monsanto’s MON863 strand of genetically modified corn. Rats who were fed the genetically modified corn for ninety days, subsequently developed liver and kidney problems. Engineered to make corn resistant to rootworm, the strand has been authorized in over 10 countries and by the European Union for human consumption and use as animal feed. Meanwhile, Greenpeace has also found that Mexican rice stocks are genetically contaminated by an unapproved strand from the United States. That strand LLRICE601 developed by Bayer Crop Science has not been approved for consumption in Mexico. Mexicans activist see their country as a “dumping ground†for U.S. genetic engineering experiments. Greenpeace has called for the suspension of contaminated rice imports from the U.S. into Mexico. Currently, Mexico is the largest export market for U.S. rice.
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