Mar 19 2007
Healthcare Disparities for Bisexual People
GUEST: Amy Andre, co-author of the report, Bisexual Health
A new report released last week by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and other groups, has found another disparity in the US healthcare system. According to the report, sexual health issues affecting bisexuals have been largely ignored and underrepresented in academic and professional literature. The biggest barriers to equal healthcare was identified as “bi-phobia,” and “bi-invisibility.” The solution, say researchers, is a more “bi-friendly” culture so that healthcare providers offer appropriate information and services. There is also a serious lack of public health data for bisexual people and that basic questions regarding the prevalence of sexual transmitted diseases and HIV remain unanswered. Many bisexual people have reported having negative experiences with health care providers, whether it is because they are afraid to come out to their providers or because their providers give them improper or incomplete information on HIV/STI prevention.
Read the entire report here:
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