Mar 19 2007
Students Respond to Tuition Hikes
GUESTS: Nadir Vissanjy, Chair of California State Student Association, Bill Shiebler, President of the University of California Students Association
The University of California and the California State University governing boards recently approved tuition fee hikes for students for the fifth time in six years. By a vote of 13-6 last Wednesday, the U.C. board of Regents increased undergraduate and graduate fees by 7 percent and professional school fees by 12 percent. The CSU Board of Trustees voted 15-1 to increase tuition fees by 10 percent starting next fall. Many students, already facing higher textbook costs and increasing living expenses, were angered by the decisions. Protests took place outside the UC Regents meeting with students chanting, “No fee increase now!†Students criticized the fact that while tuition has continually gone up, administrative salaries have enjoyed raises over the years. Critics of the move also point out that the fee increases will most affect low-income, minority and commuter students. Administrators for both institutions rationalized the hikes as necessary given inflation and cuts over the past years.
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