Mar 28 2007
Immokalee Workers’ Next Target: McDonald’s
GUEST: Gerardo Reyes, Staff member with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers
After 4 years of boycotts against the Fast food giant, Taco Bell, a well organized coalition of immigrant and people of color workers won a huge victory in 2005 for workers rights. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Southwest Florida, consisting of mostly Latino, Haitian, and Mayan workers, garnered national attention and support for their campaign for fair wages for tomato pickets. Now, nearly two years later, the CIW is taking aim at the father of all fast food corporations – McDonald’s. The group asserts that tomato pickers are paid the same wage today as they did in 1980 and that McDonald’s is supporting a form of modern day slavery. To kick off the campaign, the CIW is organizing a Carnaval and Parade for Fair Food, Real Rights and Dignity.
For more information, visit
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