Mar 29 2007
A Single Woman
GUESTS: Jeanmarie Simpson is founding artistic director of the Nevada Shakespeare Company, wrote the play, A Single Woman, and plays the role of Jeanette Rankin, Kamala Lopez-Dawson, producer and director of the film, A Single Woman
In 1916, schoolteacher, seamstress, and suffragette, Jeanette Rankin became the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress and the first woman elected to a national legislature in any western democracy. Only four days into her term however, the House of Representatives voted on a resolution to enter World War I. 50 members, including Jeanette Rankin voted against the resolution. This vote marked her staunchly anti-war tenures in Congress all the way through the US war on Vietnam. Not many people in the US have heard the name Jeanette Rankin. But that may change very soon. A new film about Rankin, produced and directed by Kamala Lopez-Dawson, called A Single Woman is months away from being completed. The film is based on a play by the same name, written by Jeanmarie Simpson, who also plays the role of Jeanette Rankin.
There will be an exclusive advance screening of the film, A Single Woman this Saturday March 31st at 7 pm at 3967 Shedd Terrace, Culver City 90232. There will be a donation requested at the door to help fund completion costs of the film. Present at the screening will be Jeanmarie Simpson, Kamala Lopez-Dawson, Judd Nelson, S. Brian Willson, and Mimi Kennedy.
For reservations and direction, call 310-838-8131.
To support the film, visit
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