Jun 25 2007

KPFK Fund Drive – Day 14

Feature Stories | Published 25 Jun 2007, 9:42 am | Comments Off on KPFK Fund Drive – Day 14 -


Harris and HedgesSupport KPFK – Make a pledge at 818-985-5735, or online at www.kpfk.org.

Religion, Politics and the End of the World – with Chris Hedges, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens

The United States is one of the most religious countries on the planet with 91 percent of American adults saying they believe in God, and 82% of Americans identifying as Christian. About 46 percent of American adults attend church at least once a week, not counting weddings, funerals and christenings – this compared with 14 percent of adults in Great Britain. Nearly 48% of the American pubic rejects the scientific theory of evolution. This forms a large part of George W. Bush’s evangelical Christian base. With fundamentalist religion growing stronger both inside and outside the US, now is a good time for a deep dialog on religion. Recently Truthdig and UCLA hosted a fascinating debate between two American thinkers on religion: Sam Harris, author of Letter to a Christian Nation, and Chris Hedges, author of American Fascists:The Christian Right and the War on America. The debate focused on whether religion, in the hands of ordinary humans, is inevitably divisive and violent. Today we present excerpts of the debate and offer it in its entirety as a thank you gift to our listeners.

In an interesting follow-up to the debate between Sam Harris and Chris Hedges was a debate sponsored by our sister station, KPFA in Berkeley, between Chris Hedges and Christopher Hitchens, author of God is Not Great.

Thank you Gifts:

Religion, Politics and the End of the World – Debate between Chris Hedges and Sam Harris on 2 CDs – $60

Debate between Christopher Hitchens and Chris Hedges on DVD – $100

American Fascists by Chris Hedges – Book – $100

Uprising T shirts – $60

Best of Uprising MP3 CD – $35

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