Jul 04 2007
Is Impeachment Worth the Effort?
GUEST: Byron De Lear, former Congressional Candidate with the Green Party
Antiwar mom Cindy Sheehan’s hiatus from the peace movement has been quite brief. In an article on Commondreams.org yesterday she announced her intention to begin a walk from Atlanta, Georgia on July 13th ending up in Washington DC on July 23rd to “send the misleaders back home to face the music of justice in their own districts.” Among the issues Sheehan has taken up is impeachment, which is the topic of our first story today. Democratic Senator John Conyers, who heads the Senate Judiciary Committee, had introduced a bill in the last Congress to explore impeachment proceedings against the President. Although it was initially supported by a number of Democrats in the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi of the new Congress firmly stated that impeachment was off the table. Conyers has since joined Pelosi. But activists are not backing down. Several high-profile bloggers such as the Daily Kos have started a campaign to push certain Democrats on impeachment. Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidate, Congressman Dennis Kucinich just introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Cheney with ten other Congress Members joining him. Moveon.org, the liberal online activist organization, has backed this move, launching a petition calling for Cheney’s impeachment. This morning the Los Angeles Impeachment Center will have its inauguration at 12 noon on the corner of La Cienega Blvd and Olympic Blvd.
For more information, visit www.bcimpeach.com.
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