Jul 05 2007
Arizona Governor Signs Far-reaching Employer Sanctions Bill
GUEST: Elias Bermudez, CEO and Founder of Inmigrantes Sin Fronteras and radio show host of “”La voz del Emigrante”
Arizona’s governor, Janet Napolitano signed a bill earlier this week prohibiting companies from hiring undocumented workers and requiring them to verify their workers’ employment eligibility. Napolitano, a Democrat, signed the bill after a three year struggle in Arizona’s Republican controlled legislature over state-imposed employer sanctions. Business leaders are criticizing the program, calling it inadequate and flawed. The law requires employers to verify their workers are legal U.S. residents through a federal program known as the Basic Pilot Program. This program is known to be quite prone to errors and inaccuracies. If a company was found to violate the law, its business license would be suspended temporarily. A second offense would mean a permanent revocation of that license. Napolitano justified her signature claiming the law’s goal is to weaken the economic incentive for immigrants to cross the border into Arizona. She also said that the federal government has failed its responsibility to address immigration reform, leaving it up to individual states to do so.
For more information, visit www.InmigrantesSinFronteras.com.
One Response to “Arizona Governor Signs Far-reaching Employer Sanctions Bill”
SHAME, SHAME on you for broadcasting such a terrible program! The guest speaker was saying things that are so harmful to this country.
ANYONE who is in this country illegally should be deported immediately. It is tearing our infrastructure down and will be the ruination of our economy if we cannot seal the borders and require that EVERYONE who comes in, comes legally.
If the whole world gets lowered to the lowest common denominator, there truly will only be the haves and the have-nots. And the American middle-class will no longer exist.