Jul 06 2007
Georgia Could Execute Innocent Man
GUEST: Laura Moye, Deputy Director with the Amnesty International USA Southern Regional Office in Atlanta
A thirty eight year old black man is set to be executed by the state of Georgia as early as July 17th. Troy Anthony Davis has been on death row for 15 years for the murder of white police officer Mark McPhail. Davis, who claims he is innocent, was convicted solely on the testimony of witnesses. There was no physical evidence linking him to the murder, nor was a murder weapon ever found. In fact, 7 of the 9 non-police witnesses who testified have now recanted their allegations, many of whom allege police coercion. According to Amnesty International USA there is evidence in Davis’ favor, which has never been heard in a courtroom, and is enough to demonstrate that Davis should be granted a new hearing.
For more information, visit www.amnestyusa.org/troydavis.
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