Aug 16 2007
Database Tracks Federal Contractor Misconduct
GUEST: Scott Amey, General Consul for the Project on Government Oversight
After a watchdog group recently launched its Federal Contractor Misconduct Database, response has varied from positive to the critical. The improved and more user-friendly database created by the Project on Government Oversight names contractors, the amount of federal money they have received, the number of instances of misconduct and how costly they have been. According to POGO, response to the database has been overwhelmingly positive with the exception of contractor trade associations. The general counsel of the watchdog group, Scott Amey, maintains that the database is informed by public sources. However, criticisms from associations contend that the database lacks context and depth. A bill was introduced in Congress around the time of the database’s launching that would create a similar federal database. POGO hopes that a federal database will be created in the future but in the meantime the group will maintain its own. Among the contractors listed on POGO’s database are Lockheed Martin, Boeing Company, and Halliburton.
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