Sep 04 2007
Empire Notes about “No End in Sight”
GUEST: Rahul Mahajan, author of Full Spectrum Dominance and The New Crusade
Empire Notes are weekly commentaries filed by Rahul Mahajan, author of Full Spectrum Dominance and The New Crusade. Today commentary is on the documentary “No End in Sight.”
Empire Notes is online at
One Response to “Empire Notes about “No End in Sight””
As usual, I couldn’t agree more. The film left the impression that had things not been so terribly mismanaged everything would’ve been ok. It acted as if we went in with noble intentions that somehow got sidetracked — leading to the hellish nightmare we’re currently stuck with. I personally think what people consider to be mismanagement and incompetence is a direct outcome of, and pulls off the veil shrouding, our true intentions. Our plan was to interject ourselves into that region, to project American power, and to control the resources. So naturally we prioritized the oil and interior ministries and could care less about the rest of it. And, of course, we were in no hurry to carry out elections since we needed time to restructure their economy and were fearful that an early election might’ve yielded unacceptable (read uncontrollable) results. So, in essence, I think everything we did perfectly reflected what our actual priorities were. If it was mismanagement it certainly wasn’t benign mismanagement… and there is no way, going in there with the purposes we had in mind, that this could’ve had a positive outcome.