Sep 04 2007
The War Comes Home Project
GUEST: Aaron Glantz,author of the book How America Lost Iraq and has just set up a new web-site to spot-light conditions for American soldiers and veterans
According to a White House official, President Bush plans to ask Congress this month for an additional fifty billion dollars to fund the Iraq war. The request is expected to follow the scheduled mid-September congressional hearings assessing the state of the Iraq war. The fifty billion dollars would add to the already 330 billion dollars spent on the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Ahead of the congressional hearings, which will feature the testimony of General Patraeus and Ambassador Crocker, President Bush and Vice President Cheney met with top military advisers regarding the so-called surge strategy and the effects of extensive troop deployments in Iraq. Although details of the private meeting are slim, President Bush released a written statement that noted plans to expand the size of the military were discussed. While Bush is expected to request billions to continue the war, the White House has indicated it’s intention to veto Veteran Affairs spending bills that exceed without offsets the 39.4 billion dollars proposed by the President. Meanwhile, Congressman Bill Filner is seeking the creation of a de-boot” camp for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. In the meantime a new “The War Comes Home Project,” by Aaron Glantz and KPFA will work spotlight the conditions and stories of soldiers returning from war.
For more information, visit
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