Sep 07 2007
Father Roy Bourgeois
GUEST: Father Roy Bourgeois, Co-Founder of School of the Americas Watch
In 1983, Father Roy Bourgeois entered the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia by impersonating an officer. Father Bourgeois then climbed a tree next to Salvadoran barracks and loudly played the last sermon of Archbishop Oscar Romero. The activist priest’s act was punished by an eighteen month prison sentence. Seven years later, Father Bourgeois moved into an apartment across the street from the SOA, and with nine other activists concerned with the training facility’s direct role in Latin America’s dirty wars founded the School of the Americas Watch. Ever since that time, the organization has grown into a broad grassroots movement seeking to close the School of the Americas for good. The School of Americas was closed in December of 2000, only to reopen in January 2001 under a new moniker; the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Despite the public relations name change, the School of the Americas Watch continues to seek the closure of training facility. Following the rise of left leaning electoral victories in South America in recent years, a number of countries are no longer sending soldiers for training, including Venezuela, Uruguay and Argentina.
Father Roy Bourgeois will be speaking at the following local events:
Saturday, September 8th, 7:00 PM
at Frank & Jane Dorrel’s
3967 Shedd Terrace, Culver City 90232
To reserve a seat for dinner with Father Roy
Please send a check (made out to SOAW) for $25 to $50 (sliding scale) to:
Frank Dorrel
P.O. Box 3261
Culver City, CA 90231-3261
Or Call: 310-838-8131
Email: or:
Meet Father Roy Bourgeois
Sunday, September 9th, 2:30 PM
Agape International Spiritual Center
5700 Buckingham Pkwy, Culver City, CA 90230
Sunday, September 9th, 7:00 PM
All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena
132 N Euclid Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101
(626) 796-1172
For more information, visit
2 Responses to “Father Roy Bourgeois”
In hopes that ‘subverting the airwaves’ doesn’t include publishing known falsehoods, I’ll offer a couple of corrections to this sycophantic note. The School of the Americas was still in Panama in 1983, so the El Salvadoran junior officers who were at Ft. Benning were there with the Infantry School. Father Roy lives at the gates of Fort Benning, about three miles from WHINSEC, which he won’t visit despite repeated invitations. Pretty interesting for someone who claims to be ‘monitoring’ the institute. If you call the change from SOA to WHINSEC a ‘public relations name change’ then blame Congress and Pres. Clinton. They wrote and signed the law that closed SOA and created WHINSEC. More importantly, educate yourself on what WHINSEC is. You are welcome any weekday to sit in classes, talk with students and faculty, and review our instructional materials. Use the contact info on our web site, and I’ll give you driving directions to our door.
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