Nov 02 2007
Weekly Digest – 11/02/07
Our weekly edition is a nationally syndicated one-hour digest of the best of our daily coverage.
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This week on Uprising:
* A Hard Look at New York’s Real ID
* Black Agenda Report on Disaster Capitalism
* The Pope Speaks Out Against the Morning After Pill
* Empire Notes on the Antiwar Movement
* Norman Solomon’s New Book, “Made Love, Got War”
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A Hard Look at New York’s Real ID
GUEST: SJ Jung, President of the Young Korean American Service and Education Center in New York
New York Governor Elliot Spitzer has announced a three tier driver’s license system that includes compliance with the Federal Real ID act. Reversing an earlier “One Driver’s License for All,” proposal, the governor’s recent decision received sound condemnation from various groups. Real ID critics said that state driver’s licenses would effectively be turned into a national ID card through the plan. Concerns over privacy issues and implementation costs to the state were also cited. Though regulations for Real ID compliant licenses have not been finalized and the program is not set to be phased in nationally until 2013, Spitzer hopes to see his plan take effect next year. Aside from privacy and fiscal concerns, the issue has also provoked both sides of the immigration debate. Anti-immigrant groups take issue with a third-tier driver’s license that would be made available to undocumented immigrants. Meanwhile, pro-immigrant rights organizations believe that the third tier license would make undocumented immigrants more exposed by creating a list of such persons that the Federal Government would seek access to. A Joint statement released by the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium said the system would make undocumented immigrants, “vulnerable to discrimination and harassment.”
For more information, visit and
Black Agenda Report on Disaster Capitalism
GUEST: Glen Ford is a writer and radio commentator and the Executive Editor of The Black Agenda Report
This week’s commentary is about Disaster Capitalism. Visit for more information.
The Pope Speaks Out Against the Morning After Pill
GUEST:John O’Brien, President of Catholics for Free Choice
While addressing the International Conference of Catholic Pharmacists this week, Pope Benedict urged pharmacists to refuse to dispense emergency contraception on the basis conscientious objection. While conservatives and religious groups say that making emergency contraception available encourages promiscuity, reproductive rights groups say it’s an effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and thus avoiding the need for abortion. Some states have already passed laws that make it permissible for pharmacists or pharmacies to refuse to provide contraception – in Illinois, pharmacists challenged a rule requiring them to fill every prescription, and can now object to dispensing emergency birth control. In California, pharmacists are supposedly required to fill all prescriptions but can refuse if the employer agrees and if the consumer can still get the prescription somewhere else. Meanwhile, as the Catholic Church continues to preach against birth control and abortion, the Pope’s comments are being debated on both sides of the contraception issue.
For more information, visit
Empire Notes on the Antiwar Movement
GUEST: Rahul Mahajan, author of Full Spectrum Dominance and The New Crusade
Empire Notes are weekly commentaries filed by Rahul Mahajan, author of Full Spectrum Dominance and The New Crusade. Today commentary is on the Anti-War Movement.
Empire Notes is online at
Norman Solomon’s New Book, “Made Love, Got War”
GUEST: Normon Solomon, author of “Made Love, Got War,” Founder and Executive Director of the Institue for Public Accuracy
From the hysteria over the Sputnik launching to the current quagmire in Iraq, Norman Solomon has lived through decades of the US’ perpetual warfare state. Lessons learned from a lifetime of resisting are reflected upon through Solomon’s newest book, “Made Love, Got War: Close Encounters with America’s Warfare State.” Part autobiography, part social commentary, the book follows various social movements from civil rights, to anti-Vietnam War and anti-nuclear armament causes. “Made Love, Got War,” is harrowingly shadowed by an ever-present and never ignored possibility of nuclear Armageddon. As the warfare state is equipped with the weapons of mass annihilation, Solomon mulls through the shortcomings and failures of movements past, while retaining a conviction that a better tomorrow can still be constructed. Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, in praise of Solomon’s book “Made Love, Got War,” said that, “We should all heed his call to activism, or our children’s future could be in doubt.” Norman Solomon is the author of twelve books including War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death. He is also a nationally syndicated columnist and Executive Director of the Institute for Public Accuracy.
For more information, visit
Uprising’s Subversive Thought for the Day
“I change myself, I change the world.” — Gloria Anzaldua
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[…] Read the rest of this great post here […]