Jan 26 2008

KPFK Still Off the Air

Severe weather conditions have resulted in KPFK being off the air recently. A message from KPFK’s Chief Engineer Bob Conger explains the situation:

The KPFK problems on Mt. Wilson that started as an electrical power outage has progressed to an icing problem with the antenna and an incredible amount of snow on Mt. Wilson.

I tried to get to the transmitter site twice on Friday and once today. I got within a few hundred yards on the site today, but couldn’t go any further because of ice falling from the many towers up there. Also, snow is packed up against the fence, gate and the door to the building making it impossible to get in.

Weather and road conditions will determine when it will be possible to finally get to the transmitter building.

I will try to get to the transmitter site tomorrow. If I’m not successful tomorrow, I’ll go up there on Monday.

KPFK will be off the air until the ice and snow is cleared away and any technical problems with the transmitter and antenna are fixed.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “KPFK Still Off the Air”

  1. Geri Howardon 26 Jan 2008 at 10:29 pm

    Why are other transmitters
    not affected. KPFK is the
    only off-the-air station.

  2. Reneeon 27 Jan 2008 at 10:27 pm

    Thank you for the update. I was very concerned that something bad had happened, ie: the neo-cons taking action to take KPFK off the air.

  3. kwarkon 28 Jan 2008 at 8:59 am

    Any clue why the KPFK website is dead too? Having both the on-air and web presence down at the same time is wierd at best and disturbing at worst.

  4. Robin Mojicaon 28 Jan 2008 at 10:51 am

    Thanks for being a beacon of light in our dark world. I can’t wait for the transmitter and antenna to be up and running. A morning without KPFK is like a day without coffee and sunshine.

    Thanks Robin

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