Apr 23 2008
Conversation With Radical Educator Antonia Darder
GUEST: Antonia Darder, Puerto Rican intellectual, author, and radical educator
The Association for Raza Educators recently held its second annual “Struggle for social justice in education” conference in San Diego. The day long event, which took place at Lincoln High School, featured various speakers and workshops centered on critical education in the classroom. Among the invited participants was Professor Antonia Darder who gave a morning keynote address. A student and collaborator with renowned Brazilian activist and pedagogical theorist Paulo Freire, Darder now teaches Educational Policy Studies and Latino/a Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her current work focuses on identity, language and cultural issues in the educational system. Darder has also authored numerous influential books such as “Reinventing Paulo Freire: A Pedagogy of Love,” and “Culture and Power in the Classroom.” In addition to being an activist scholar, she is also an artist and community radio programmer who hosts and produces the show, “Liberacion,” on WEFT FM in Urbana, Illinois.
Uprising producer, Gabriel San Roman had the opportunity to speak with Professor Darder at the Association for Raza Educators Conference and began by asking her to recount how she became influence by Paulo Freire’s work.
For more information, visit www.darder.org.
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