Aug 26 2008
ICE Arrests Hundreds of Immigrant Mississippi Workers
As the third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina approaches at the end of this week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) carried out large scale raids just yesterday along the Gulf Coast Region of Mississippi. Conducted less than a week after the agency ended its ‘self-deportation’ pilot program, a spokeswoman from ICE said that 350 employees from Howard Industries had been taken into custody. The factory had to be closed for the day due to the the sheer volume of the crackdown on its workforce. ICE agents were also reportedly raiding the Ellisville headquarters of the manufacturing company. The Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance, or MIRA, denounced the raids for spreading fear among families and the Latino community. Last Friday, the group had predicted impending ICE activity citing similarities between what was taking place along the Gulf Coast and what had occurred in Postville, Iowa earlier in the year. Preparations included the booking of dozens of hotel rooms by ICE while federal courts in Hattiesburg, Mississippi were reportedly being readied for the incoming cases.
GUEST: Bill Chandler, Executive Director of the Mississippi Immigrants’ Rights Alliance (MIRA)
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9 Responses to “ICE Arrests Hundreds of Immigrant Mississippi Workers”
Perhaps the Latino community would not be fearful if they were legal. They consciously chose to break multiple laws to be in our country, knowing the consequences of getting caught and putting their family at risk So now they pay the price for their lawlessness. ICE is only enforcing our immigration laws that, apprently, the illegals don’t think they need to follow. GO ICE.
The number is over 500…and GOOD! These illegal immigrants, unlike LEGAL immigrants, have no respect for this country, our laws, our sovereignty or our citizens. THEY put their kids and families in the position they are in through their ILLEGAL behavior…tough! Obtain a legal visa and enter the US the correct way and you won’t have a problem…or that too much to ask that you obey our laws?
Everybody who doesn’t have the right papers, know they are intentionally breaking the law. Their is no malice by the agents; just a duty to the American people and those who came here legally. The ‘Rule of Law” must be observed by every person in the United States. LAUREL, Miss, at manufacturing plant 300 illegal aliens were arrested The federal agents declined how many agents were involved in the raid, but said they acted on a tip provided by a union worker.
You cannot tell me for one minute, that the CEO, Directors on mahogany row didn’t know about the illegal workers? Ice has a Tipline: 1-866-DHS-2ICE for intelligence to locate illegal aliens, or predatory businesses that employ them. If we can only pass the Federal SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) that Democrats are trying to keep away from the public eye. Its funding will build a massive force of interior ICE agents, including 20.000 border patrol enforcement to root out the culprits and the E-verify data base that is 90.5 percent effective. NUMBERSUSA, CAPSWEB
No company can say they did not know of illgals when most cannot speak english and need interpreters. Jail the company executives also.
ditto 😀
I’m from Ellisville, just moved a few weeks ago in fact. I’ve met, ate with, played sports with quite a few Latino workers at Howards; I’ve taught Latino kids in area high schools, some of which no doubt had parents that worked at Howards. I never ask anyone about their documentation or lack thereof, but I would imagine most of those people did not have papers.
Are these people criminals? Can someone tell me how they are destroying society? How does working hard, saving money, supporting your family, sending your kids to school, buy things at the supermarket, etc- how is that destroying society or hurting people? In Mississippi now it is a felony- a felony!- to get a job if you are “illegal.” A felony people- and now the thugs of ICE have completely devastated the Latino community of Jones County, in a military style raid that impacted everyone at Howards, everyone in the county. If you think this is justifiable, if you think it’s a jolly wonderful thing that we have detainment camps (search for info on the Jena, LA camp), if destroying families and communities gives you your jollies- fine, but don’t dare try lecturing me about freedom, family values, or any of the other values these sorts of militarist tactics violate.
i dont care what White people said about mexican people mexicans they are not LAZY like Americans so BOOOOOYAAAAAAAAAAA’
im meexican im proud to be a mexican i hate WHITE people like white people hate mexicans because white people are to lazy. hispanic latinos are more workers they are not lazy like red neks/crackers.
SO if white people dont like mexicans here yall are SORRy because We are not going TO MEXICO`so dont waste your time thinking that we are going to mexico back just because yall whant so we are 9999849 million thousands in united states so im SORRY RED neks