We’ll play part 2 of my conversation with award winning author and intrepid prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi, about his book, The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder. And, we’ll hear how despite its consumer and environment friendly image, Toyota Corporation makes cars on the backs of exploited labor. And, an environmental activist’s critical look at Proposition 7, the Solar and Clean Energy Act of 2008. …
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When Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate, the campaign was quick to present her political record in the state as one of reform against corruption. Rarely cited, if at all, was what her tenure has meant for issues of concern for Alaska Natives who comprise nearly …
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Recently a Vermont lawyer declared her candidacy for Attorney General of her state on a platform promise to prosecute George W Bush for murder. Charlotte Dennett with the Progressive Party in Vermont, has said, if elected, she would appoint top criminal lawyer and award winning author Vincent Bugliosi as Special Prosecutor of the …
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Many of us know Karl Rove as Bush’s Brain. But we don’t hear as much about Karl Rove’s mentor, the late Lee Atwater. Credited with helping elect W’s father against Democrat Michael Dukakis in 1988, Atwater legitimized the Republican playbook of negative campaigning, coded racism, working the rumor mill, and worse, to get …
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Listen to today’s Subversive Historian

Cesar Chavez Founds The National Farm Workers Association by Subversive Historian Gabriel San Roman
Forty-six years ago on this day in people’s history, labor leader Cesar Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association. On September 30th, 1962, after resigning from the Latino civil rights Community Service Organization, Chavez organized a convention in an abandoned theater in Fresno, California. It was …
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“The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are really doing.†–- Ben Okri, Nigerian author
We’ll spend the hour examining three Republican players, one from the past, one in the present, and one who aims for the future. The film maker of Boogieman: The Lee Atwater Story will discuss the man credited with legitimizing underhanded Republican campaigning. Top prosecutor and author Vincent Bugliosi will join us about his new book, The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder and how such a case could become a reality. And, a critical …
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House Representatives are expected to vote today on the controversial $700 billion Wall Street bailout package. With a subsequent vote in the Senate that could come as early as Wednesday, President Bush called for expediency in passing the bailout saying “every member in Congress and every American should keep in mind that a vote …
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If you are one of millions of Americans sickened by cookie cutter commercial radio that assaults your ears with standardized “safe” playlists, inane shock-jock-talk, and incessant aggressive ads, you may want to urge your representatives in Congress to pass a new bill on local community radio. In 2002 the Federal Communications …
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A popular brand of Chinese milk candy has been found to be tainted with the toxin, melamine. The same chemical was found in infant formula that has affected over 50,000 children across China with kidney problems. Thirteen thousand babies remain hospitalized. The White Rabbit candy is an extremely popular item, exported to over …
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