Nov 13 2008
Afghans to Obama: End the Occupation
Accused of killing 65 Afghans in yet another wedding party massacre last week, US military officials are now claiming that they have evidence of the Taliban holding the party hostage to lure US forces into killing the civilians and stoking more anti-American sentiment. The accusation came from an anonymous US official who declined to share the evidence for the claim. According to Afghan officials, a joint investigation with the US found 37 civilians and 26 so-called insurgents were killed in the Kandahar village. Inexplicably the U.S. figure from the same investigation was 20 dead civilians. Afghan president Hamid Karzai has repeatedly denounced the civilian deaths and urged the US to stop relying so much on air strikes. The same week as the wedding party killings, US airstrikes killed 7 civilians in the Northwest province of Baghdis. Among them were two sons and a grandson of a provincial council member, Mohammad Tawakil Khan. Mourning his loss, Khan remarked bitterly, “The Americans are hitting civilian houses all the time. They don’t care, they just say it was a mistake… Afghan officials are only offering their condolences. After some 100 times that they have killed civilians, we have to take revenge and afterward say our condolences to them.” The civilian death toll has stoked anger across Afghanistan and raised increasing calls for an end to the occupation. However, President elect Barack Obama’s foreign policy centerpiece was an increase in US troops to Afghanistan.
GUEST: Eman, a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
NOTE: Uprising host, Sonali Kolhatkar volunteers her time for the Afghan Women’s Mission, a US-based non-profit organization that supports RAWA’s projects.
Rough Transcript
Sonali Kolhatkar: Many on the American left are celebrating the election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the US. But while he has pledged to end the Iraq war, he has also promised to increase troops in Afghanistan. What is your opinion of Barack Obama and his stated policy on Afghanistan?
Eman: We can easily judge Obama from what he said in one of his recent interviews that he does not feel the need to apologize to the Afghan people. We do not consider this [the result of] a lack of information. But didn’t he feel the need to apologize for the wrong policies of the US government for the past three decades in our country? Didn’t he feel the need to apologize for the fundamentalist-fostering policies of the US government in creating, arming, and supporting these brutal, misogynist groups like the Northern Alliance and other fascist groups during the past three decades? Didn’t he feel the need to apologize for the occupation of our country under the banner of democracy, the so-called “war on terror,†and women’s rights, but then compromise with terrorists like the Northern Alliance, who cannot be distinguished from the Taliban in the history of their criminal acts? In fact these murderers were the first to destroy our nation. And even after seven years of a very long and very costly “war on terror,†terrorism has not been uprooted in Afghanistan but has become stronger and the Taliban are becoming more powerful. Plus recently [the US is] talking about negotiating with the most wanted terrorist, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, and with the Taliban, which is in contradiction with what they claimed and what their main objective was in occupying Afghanistan.
From his statements during his election campaign, we don’t think that Obama’s position is different from the Bush administration; it is the continuation of Bush’s foreign policy. As Obama’s first message to our country was that of war, we cannot be hopeful about him.
Kolhatkar: Do you think the troops should be withdrawn and if so, what will happen in Afghanistan if US/NATO forces leave Afghanistan?
Eman: RAWA strongly believes that whatever happens, a withdrawal of foreign troops should be the first step, because today, with the presence of thousands of troops in Afghanistan, with the presence of many foreign countries in our nation, for the majority of our people particularly poor people in the other provinces of Afghanistan outside Kabul, the situation is so bad that it cannot get any worse. Today they are also suffering from insecurity, killing, kidnapping, rape, acid throwing on school girls (as happened just last week), hunger, lawlessness, lack of freedom of speech (with journalist Parwiz Kambakhsh being imprisoned), After seven years of occupation [the US] failed to bring peace, security, democracy, and women’s rights that they claimed. I think seven years is quite enough time to prove that democracy and peace cannot be brought by foreigners. It can only be achieved by our own people by democratic organizations and individuals. It’s our responsibility to become united as an alternative against the occupation, to rise up, to resist and to organize our people.
Obviously it is very difficult. No one can predict how long it will take, how much blood, how much sacrifice, and what price should be paid. But this is the only solution, as RAWA has always emphasized.
Right now our people are under attack from different sides. From one side we have the Taliban, from the other side are the US air strikes, and from another side are the Northern Alliance warlords in different provinces. We are in a political confusion. With the withdrawal [of troops] our people will at least get rid of one of these enemies.
We believe that even with the withdrawal of the troops they have a moral duty towards Afghanistan as they have empowered these dangerous fundamentalist groups economically; and given them arms which were a big threat to the security of our country. If the US and its allies are kind enough to try to help us and they are honest in their claim of helping our people then they can prove it in other ways. They can prove it by the disarmament of armed groups. They can prove it by stopping any kind of support, help and compromise with any fundamentalist groups by helping our people to prosecute our war criminals of three decades. They can do this by supporting democratic voices. So they have other alternatives to help us if they really want to.
Kolhatkar: Hamid Karzai’s tenure is up next year and there are to be new elections. What do you think needs to happen before the elections, and is there any chance the elections could bring some positive change inside Afghanistan?
Eman: We have two kinds of elections ahead of us: parliamentary and presidential. About the presidential election, everyone knows that the White House determines who is going to be the next president. Our public’s votes are just used as a formality. But what we are sure of is that the next president will not be independent or a real democrat. So our people are not so hopeful about those elections.
About the parliamentary elections, it is important to state that this election, like the last one, will be conducted under the shadow of guns, airpower and money. So we cannot call it a fair and free election. For a fair and free election to be held we think that disarmament of the powerful warlords which have private armies in different provinces, is a necessary factor. Otherwise it will be a repeat of the last election. For example, according to a law made by the Election Commission, warlords cannot take part in the elections. The last time, our people appealed to the election commission against criminal candidates and drug lords with evidence but nobody paid attention to them and these most-wanted murderers found their way to parliament. There were just a very few exceptions who were really elected by the people. The majority were well-known murderers, criminals, and rapists.
Kolhatkar: In RAWA’s recent statement on the 7th anniversary of the US war on October 7th, you say “Our freedom is only achievable at the hands of our people.†How strong are democratic grassroots forces in Afghanistan, and are they capable of rising up and leading the country?
Eman: Unfortunately the democratic forces are very weak due to many reasons. The two main reasons are, firstly, financial problems because there is no government support at all, and powerful international forces like the United Nations have never been interested in supporting democratic groups, individuals, and voices. Secondly they are weak for security reasons, which have always suppressed these groups. We believe that the main source of power lies with our people. Today they have become hopeless with false promises from the West of establishing democracy. And moreover people are fed-up of the fundamentalism of the Taliban, Northern Alliance, and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, etc. So today if we witness demonstrations organized by our suffering and tired people, tomorrow they will be much more organized under the leadership of democratic movements. So we should not lose our hope. The groups are weak but they exist. I think it’s the duty of democratic forces all over the world to support democratic movements in Afghanistan and they should show their practical solidarity with them.
Kolhatkar: When we started our conversation, you weren’t very optimistic about Barack Obama’s stated policy on Afghanistan. What advice would you give President Elect Barack Obama, when he takes office in January?
Eman: We believe that if the American government does not have any bad, expansionist, hidden intentions regarding our country then they have to accept and change their long-term mistakes and wrong policies in our country. In the early 1990s they supported the anti-democratic, anti-women forces and they still have not learned a lesson and still they rely on and compromise with the different fundamentalist groups, which makes the situation of our country even worse. So from one side they are still nourishing and working with those drug lords and warlords of the Northern Alliance. And from the other side they complain about drugs, corruption and insecurity which is a painful game with the destiny of our people, who do not want more troops and war. Our people want justice, peace, and democracy.
As the US failed with spending billions of dollars on the presence of thousands of troops for the past seven years, I’m sure that they will fail even if they bring millions more troops as long as the American government does not change its policies in Afghanistan.
Kolhatkar: Finally, what advice would you give the American anti-war movement on what Afghanistan needs from them?
Eman: Since the US government has always supported fundamentalist groups and ignored democratic voices in our country, I think that the US government does not represent all American people. But there are great American people and great peace movements who have always raised their voice against war and defended peace with justice. History shows that these movements have always affected government policies, for example on the Vietnam war. So I think that they have a great responsibility to put pressure on their government and especially its foreign policy, to change the policy and to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan. And they have to show their solidarity with the democratic movements in Afghanistan. It’s very very important for us and we need their voices. But I just read an article that some parts of the US peace movements are supporting the Iranian government. We condemn this position because we consider the Iranian government a fundamentalist, fascist government. But as long as the peace movement is concerned, we need their solidarity and we are very happy to have their support.
6 Responses to “Afghans to Obama: End the Occupation”
Thank you so much for broadcasting an Afghan voice on this issue. Every time I raised Obama’s position on expanding the war in Afghanistan with his supporters, I was told that it was just an empty position taken for the sake of election, or that it didn’t matter because the alternative, McCain, was worse. The anti-war movement CANNOT give Obama a pass on this. We ought to be out in the streets right now, or at least the next time there’s an airstrike on civilians, calling out Obama and the rest of the establishment out on this issue.
Does Anybody Remember the Way to Peaceville?
We’re running a big war in Mid Asia right now. McCain was candid: it might last a hundred years. If President-elect Obama fails to get the U.S. out of Iraq–if he reneges on his near-promises to do that–Americans voters will more readily swing back toward the Repubs again.
My own Homeland Security Hunch is ever more strongly becoming a feeling that Afghanistan will now be marketed as a “good” war. After all, O. bin Laden did set up shop there. (The Repubs can blame Dem Clinton & the Dems can blame the Repub Bushes for O. bin Laden. The net result is less people voting, always one of the main goals of both [yes, both] of our major parties.)
What people aren’t told enough is that the kind of terrorists that carried out the 09-11-01 attack can be trained anywhere. It helps recruiters of suicidal maniacs who want to kill Americans, if Americans harm innocent people. We don’t have much of a generalized anti-war movement in the U.S. Most people preface any remarks they may make about a particular war (Iraq) by making it very clear that they are not against ALL wars. Unfortunately, that kind of thinking leads one to not being against any war at all.
I guess Iran might be planning a blitzkrieg–but I doubt it. Making war in Afghanistan might lessen the chances of terrorists killing Americans–but that doesn’t seem either logical, or intuitively true.
The life Americans have is still pretty good (compared to third world nations!), and I’ll be among the first to admit that. But compared to what we could have by doing things differently….Each person must decide on a course for their own life–but we all arrive at the same place, don’t we? No one seems to understand that delivering war to a foreign nation may not make war less likely in the future. As with so many wars, the one in Afghanistan must be marked (to be continued\.indefinitely.) Obama may be counting on a big success in Afghanistan–I’m not sure how that might be defined–to ensure his re-election in 2012.
If the eyes of anyone youthful should fall upon these words, I have a request. Don’t permit any coming Administration to lessen security on passenger planes to prove we aren’t afraid! All the killing in the world never brings one dead person back to life. Maybe we can get a “good” peace out of the current troubles. But peace is so frequently viewed as unmanly, uninteresting and unprofitable that I doubt it.
After all, when nations are at peace, the great number of people who have very little start to think that they may somehow find a way to get more. Isn’t that bad for everyone?
RAWA is quite right, Obama is a terrible evil in the form of an angel, soon everyone will realize that he is worse then Bush. His first message for the world was more war and destruction in Afghanistan.
[…] Sonali Kolhatkar’s radio program broadcast a must-listen interview yesterday with Eman, an Afghan woman and member of RAWA, who speaks out against Obama’s pledge to send more troops to Afghanistan and expand the war there. She asks for the support of the peace movement in this country, which to my knowledge has been silent in the face of continual killings by airstrike of Afghan civilians in recent weeks. From Uprising Radio. […]
How can the Afghans have peace when the Americans leave if the Taliban is in power. And make no mistake about it they will take back the government. It is the archaic mindset of an entire people that will never allow peace to happen. The culture rejects it through their sharia law. America was foolish to believe that a democracy and women’s civil rights could be established in a country whose culture is based on islam. Please don’t take this as an insult, but I have never seen the local people of Afghanistan help the coalition to seek out the culprits of 9/11, Bin Laden and co. Could it be that the propaganda convincing the people of that region have been convinced that 9/11 was an inside job. Probably. So I see the whole situation as a lost cause and we should withdraw simply because of ineffectiveness not for any other reason. P.S. The wedding party was killed by their captors as defense sheilds to the coalition attack. Please let’s get that straight.
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