Nov 17 2008

Should Auto-Makers Get a Bailout?

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AutomakersDuring his recent meeting with Bush, President Elect Barack Obama urged him to pass a bailout package for the failing Detroit-based auto industry. Apparently Bush balked at extending any aid beyond the financial sector. American Car sales across the board have plummeted and the industry led by General Motors, Chrysler and Ford, has requested up to $25 billion in loans to prevent bankruptcies. So desperate are the companies that they are using grassroots social networking tools such as Facebook, streaming videos, and emails to convince Congress and the public of its need for the bailout. A GM sponsored poll concluded that the public supports it. The United Auto Workers have joined in the effort, sending emails out to its members. Senator Chris Dodd, the Senate Banking Committee Chair favors federal government action to assist the struggling automobile industry – he plans to hold a hearing on the issue next week. But, should the auto industry get a bailout?

GUEST: Mark Brenner, Director of Labor Notes, an independent periodical on labor based in Detroit, Susan Steigerwalt, a practicing physician in Detroit and past president of Physicians for a National Health Program.

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One response so far

One Response to “Should Auto-Makers Get a Bailout?”

  1. propaganda,lies&bailoutzon 17 Nov 2008 at 10:16 pm

    Twenty years more of poverty and war
    are promised.
    If you don’t bail out the rich first, the poor will never get bailed out–this is the Law of Bailouts, from the Customs Regarding Boats.
    Workers will be punished, as per custom. We’ve a long way to go–but with a little bit taken back every year from workers & the poor, I calculate that we can be back at full slavery by 2035.
    Now, we must all join in this great effort!
    The Evils One are in Retreat
    –Obama has come!!
    Gawrsh, I feel sorry for Obama, when they start to “Bush”[or, being interpreted ‘blame’] him (Obama). Then Obama will be blamed for all problems.
    Be on the side of the weak & downtrodden, President Obama!
    You will always lose–but you will never feel that you have lost.

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