Nov 25 2008
Subversive Historian – 11/25/08
“Mariposa Sisters Assassinated” by Subversive Historian Gabriel San Roman
Forty-eight years ago on this day in people’s history, the Mirabal Sisters were assassinated in the Dominican Republic. On November 25th, 1960, the dictator Rafael Trujillo had Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa Mirabal all killed for their political activities against his regime. The sisters came to organize the anti-Trujillo “Fourteenth of July Movement – named so after a Castro fashioned aborted overthrow attempt in 1959 and also because Latin Americans love to christen their clandestine organizations after subversive days in people’s history! Trujillo cracked down on the Mariposas, as the sisters came to be known, and hatched a plot to have them killed on their way back from visiting their imprisoned husbands. On that fateful day, the Mirabal Sisters were apprehended and taken to a field where they were beaten to death by Trujillo’s forces.
Due to their death, November 25th is now known around the world as International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
For Uprising, this is your truth professa’ saying it’s no mystery why they conceal our history!
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