Jan 28 2009
Youth Activism and Obama
A key component to Barack Obama’s ascendancy to the Presidency last week, was the decisive electoral backing he received from young voters. According to a post-election analysis conducted by Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, a record number of twenty-three million young people under the age of thirty voted in last November’s election. With an internet savvy campaign, Barack Obama was able to secure a lopsided advantage over his opponent John McCain and change the dynamics in several key states by taking 66% of the national youth vote. Cognizant of his important base, Obama addressed the “Be the Change: Youth Ball,” last week on inauguration day that featured performers like Kanye West. The new President told the audience, “The future will be in your hands if you are able to sustain the kind of energy and focus you showed in this campaign.” With the election over, questions remain on how what direction youth will take in shaping our tomorrow.
GUESTS: Sonia Mehta, third year student at UCLA studying International Development and Political Science. She campaigned for Barack Obama and is deeply involved in local education issues. Jonathan Perez, activist with Inner City Struggle and SoCal for Youth.
One Response to “Youth Activism and Obama”
thanks for the article, didnt realize that was happening, were leaning towards a soft tyranny