Feb 03 2009
“The Garden” Nominated for an Academy Award
The story of the struggle for the fourteen-acre community garden on the corner of 41st and Alameda in South Central Los Angeles is now an Oscar nominated documentary. Directed by Scott Hamilton Kennedy, “The Garden,” traces the fate of the South Central Garden when bulldozers razed the farming plots of immigrant families as the land was upheld by the city to be the property of developer Ralph Horowitz. The back story of how the community garden came to such an end is explored through questions of city politics, real estate development and community struggle. Protagonists highlighted in “The Garden,” include South Central Farm organizers Tezozomoc and Rufina Juarez as well as those who tilled its soil such as Eddie Luvianos Rumbos and Josefina Medina. Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times called the film, “an excellent documentary!” whose “lessons about the levers of power and politics are relevant everywhere.”
GUEST: Scott Hamilton Kennedy, Producer, Director of “The Garden.”
Visit “The Garden” online at www.thegardenmovie.com
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