Mar 31 2009
April 1, 2009
We’ll play a recent speech by journalism professor Robert Jensen, author of several books including “The Heart of Whiteness,” about white supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism. …
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Mar 31 2009
We’ll play a recent speech by journalism professor Robert Jensen, author of several books including “The Heart of Whiteness,” about white supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism. …
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Mar 31 2009
In speaking to reporters yesterday at the White House, President Barack Obama announced the need for immediate restructuring to save the American auto industry. The President’s statements came a day after he asked General Motors Chief Executive Officer Rick Wagoner to resign. After the auto corporation led by Wagoner failed to submit adequate restructuring plans in …
Mar 31 2009
Thirty five thousand people marched in London on Saturday in advance of this week’s G20 summit. President Barack Obama heads to the British capital for the meeting, his first trip to Europe as President. Obama is expected to make the case to the Group of 20 countries that US capitalism is sound, even though US and British …
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Mar 31 2009
Responding to reports of abuses by its soldiers, the Israeli government this week ended an investigation that concluded no abuses took place during the recent attack on Gaza. The investigation was prompted by leaked first-hand accounts of Israeli soldiers at a university conference. The accounts included firing on unarmed Palestinian women and children. Nine Israeli human …
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Mar 31 2009
Back in the day on March 31st, 1964 Brazilian President João Goulart was overthrown in a military coup. Exactly 45 years ago, the army conspirators set in motion the makings of a dictatorship that would oppress Brazil for the next twenty years. Goulart, known for his populist politics had been irrationally suspected …
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Mar 31 2009
“I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, ‘Mother what was war?'” — Eve Merriam …
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Mar 31 2009
We’ll cover the battle over the history of Israel’s recent war on Gaza. And, we’ll look ahead to this week’s G 20 meeting in London, anticipating what may happen in the board rooms and on the streets as the global economy continues to crash. Plus, President Obama pushes to restructure the auto industry – we’ll examine his plans with Robert Weissman, editor of the Multinational Monitor. …
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Mar 30 2009
On Friday, President Barack Obama outlined his administration’s strategy for the war in Afghanistan calling the situation there “perilous.” In a White House address before an audience of troops and diplomats heading for Afghanistan, Obama unequivocally defined the goal of the U.S. as “to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan and prevent their return …
Mar 30 2009
Both houses of Congress recently passed a Wilderness Conservation Bill, setting aside more than 2 million acres of land in nine states, in a move that has been hailed as a “new dawn for American heritage.” Seen as the most significant environmental legislation in the history of the United States, the Omnibus Public Lands Act of 2009 will regenerate …
Mar 30 2009
With the crashing economy making life difficult for many Americans, college students in particular are finding fewer ways to make ends meet. Tuition has risen dramatically over the past decade: in California, the average college tuition rose 37% between 2000-2007, and in 2008, it rose a whopping 9%. Obviously wages haven’t kept up with this dramatic increase. But neither …
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