Jun 03 2009
KPFK Fund Drive – Day 2
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Afghanistan War But Were Afraid to Ask
An unnamed Defense Department official told the Associated Press that errors were made in bombing raids on Afghanistan in May, leading to civilian casualties. Newly rewritten rules on bombing raids were not followed, according to the official, in the first admission that the US made mistakes in the air strike which killed nearly 150 civilians in Farah Province. Speaking to the press soon after the attack, dissident member of Parliament, Malalai Joya, who represents the province said unequivocally, “We ask for an end to the occupation of Afghanistan and a stop to such tragic war crimes.” Today, we spend the hour on Afghanistan, which is increasingly being called Obama’s war due to the ramping up of troops, bombing raids, and instability in Central and South Asia as a result of US policy.
Thank you Gifts:
1. Rethink Afghanistan DVD – $85
2. Afghan Women: A History of Struggle DVD – $100
3. Afghanistan: Obama’s Iraq? Conference 2 DVD set – $100
4. Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story book – $95
5. “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afghanistan War But Afraid To Ask” Pack – includes all the above premiums (4 DVDs and a book) – $365.
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