Jul 01 2009

Subversive Historian – 07/01/09

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Eric Drooker Kwame Nkrumah Becomes 1st President of Ghana

Back in the day on July 1st, 1960, Kwame Nkrumah became the first president of the republic of Ghana. Setting the stage years earlier, Ghana became the first black African country to obtain independence from colonial rule on March 6th, 1957. As one of the main motivating forces behind the liberation movement against Britain, Nkrumah served as Ghana’s first Prime Minister before later becoming its first President. The independent example of the West African republic extended beyond Ghana to all colonized African states as Nkrumah became legendary for speaking out against the colonization of the continent. He was also the first to publicly call for Pan-African unity. In 1965, Nkrumah published the book “Neocolonialism” where he exposed how foreign companies and governments were enriching themselves at the expense of the African people. His literary effort drew harsh protest from the US government and resulted in the cutting of economic aid.

The following year, Nkrumah was overthrown in a US-supported military coup going to show that independence from European colonial rule ushered in a new era of struggle for Africa.

For Uprising, this is your truth professa’ saying it’s no mystery why they conceal our people’s history!

One response so far

One Response to “Subversive Historian – 07/01/09”

  1. Rev P E Adotey Addoon 01 Jul 2009 at 3:18 pm

    The Ancestors Have Much To teach Us.
    By P E Adotey Addo, Dec 27 2008

    We are often haunted by the unknowns
    If the ancestors inhabit the living or the dead.
    So we try to appease their souls as a way of life
    Keeping them in everyday activities and places
    To become part of the living community,
    For they do have much to say to us
    As they judge between the living and the dead.
    Traditions never forget the ancestors
    In both societal life , history and beliefs.
    Frightening and exciting us at the same time.
    Indeed the ancestors have a lot to teach us

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