Oct 06 2009
Only the Super Rich Can Save Us
Uprising host Sonali Kolhatkar interviews long-time consumer advocate and multiple-time presidential candidate Ralph Nader on his novel Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Special thanks to Mansoor Sabbagh and Jeanne Kyle of Global Voices for Justice.
3 Responses to “Only the Super Rich Can Save Us”
[…] Watch the video of this interview here. […]
Thank you for this interview. Ralph Nader hardly appears on KPFK any more because that station has been taken over by mostly Democratic appologists!
I used to think the rich were open to arguments in support of truth and justice, war over peace, even self interest over self-destruction.
But all the rich care about is lording it over, and making the lives of classes of people below them, a world that the philosopher called “nasty, brutish and short.”
Can’t trust the rich upper 1%, or the upper 20%, passed their upturned noses. Only the words from the group the “Doors” seem significant to me these days: “The streets are fields that never die.”
Unsure what that line even means, it just makes me feel good reading or hearing it! Nader gets, regularly, the crap beat out of him by the rich, so what is he, a glutton for punishment? No empire has folded involuntarily, but many have seemed to sort of just fade away.
That’s maybe the best the American people, and the human race, can hope for, a return to traditional doctrines of fairness, equality, and Jesus Christ’s command, to “Love one another,” globally, by all nations, including love for their Mother (mortal clay), as Native Americans say, Mother Earth.
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain…” U.S., best start acting like these words mean what they say, and legislating accordingly, or the poor will rise up, as they’ve done throughout all history, like the colonies of the UK did, and that will be the end, except for the posing. “The glory that was Greece, the grandeur that was Rome.” Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!