Oct 15 2009

Ralph Nader: “Only the Rich Can Save the World”

Feature Stories | Published 15 Oct 2009, 9:42 am | Comments Off on Ralph Nader: “Only the Rich Can Save the World” -


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ralph naderDedicated life-long consumer advocate and three-time Presidential candidate Ralph Nader has recently added one more line to his already packed resume: budding novelist. Three years ago Nader began typing out on his Underwood Typewriter, his wildest political fantasies: a world where a group of 17 aging billionaires led by Warren Buffet spark a top-down/bottom-up rebellion against unrestrained corporate capitalism. In his 733 page book, called Only the Super-Rich can Save Us, the billionaires are all based on real life people and include Ted Turner, Yoko Ono, Bill Cosby, George Soros, and Phil Donahue. Together with grassroots organizations that they generously fund, Buffet and his band of billionaires work to unionize Walmart, rebuild New Orleans after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, and work to clean up the environment. Oh, and Warren Beatty runs for governor of California against Arnold Schwarzenegger – and wins. Nader prefers to refer to his work, not as a novel, rather as a ‘practical utopia,’ in the hopes that his fictionalized vision could some day be realized. Nomi Prins said of Nader’s book, Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us: “[this] stunning masterpiece provides both a sharp critique and measured remedy for our current world.” Nader spoke at Vroman’s bookstore in Pasadena while on tour recently and I had the chance to sit with him after his talk to discuss the book.

Watch the video of this interview here.

Ralph Nader will be speaking on Saturday October 17th from 12 – 3 pm at the Beverly Hills Country Club, 3084 Motor Avenue in Los Angeles. The event is hosted by Book Soup.

Nader will also be the keynote speaker at the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund on Saturday October 17th at 6 pm at the Anaheim Hilton, 777 Convention Way in Anaheim. For more information, visit http://www.pcrf.net/?p=3555 or email pcrfsc@pcrf.net or call (562)432-0005.

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